Postpartum Closing of the Bones


Traditional healing for the body & spirit after birth, this ritual has best results as a series of treatments, but just one can be hugely beneficial.  

After childbirth, our physical body is changed—hips and feet widen, organs displace, breasts swell—and our psyche is also altered by the rite of passage we have undergone mentally and emotionally to conceive, carry and birth our child. This intentional healing experience is meant to acknowledge the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth and assist in bringing her spirit back into her own body. Physically, it guides bones back into place, helps the uterus shrink back down, and stimulates blood flow. Emotionally, it provides a sense of calm and grounding, and reestablishes a sense of self.

While Closing of the Bones has origins in Mexico, it ALSO has origins in Russia and Morroco, amongst many, many other places in the world. Closing of the Bones and other postpartum recovery rituals are still widely practiced in Latin American and Asian countries, and is typically performed multiple times within the first 40 days after birth, starting just a few days after birth.  For more historical information of this tradition read this article by the wise traditional midwife Rachelle Garcia Seliga.

The ceremony begins with an herbal bath. The woman is kept warm and brought to her bed where she is given an invigorating yet nurturing full-body massage. Utilizing Holistic Pelvic Care practices, we will tend to any birth repair that needs attention. Finally, she is wrapped gently by a long cloth at the calves, thighs, torso, shoulders, and cranium. The amount of time this process takes varies depending on the individual, but it is typically about 2 hours. Once complete, the mother is left to lie quietly and integrate the treatment.

This ceremony can be beneficial for any postpartum mama—whether you had your baby yesterday or 30 years ago—who is looking to find more peace within. It is truly a powerful healing tool that I hope many more mamas begin seeking out to assist in their healing journey after birth.

2 hrs
1st Treatment $300
each additional postpartum treatment $200
Doula Clients $250