Holistic Pelvic Care
Holistic Pelvic Care ™ (HPC) is a technique consisting of physical and energetic tools designed to evaluate and restore balance in the pelvic space of the female body.
It was developed by Tami Lynn Kent, a women’s health physical therapist in Portland, Oregon and author of the book Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body.
In many traditional healing systems, a woman’s pelvic bowl is the center of her being, a place of significant power and energy potential. This space also tends to carry trauma , congestion/stagnation, and imbalances. Many women have never been guided to develop a relationship with their womb space and pelvic bowl. It is in this remembering and tending that a profound access to embodiment and power can be gained.
The primary goal of HPC is to empower a woman to inhabit her pelvic space and occupy her feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Holistic Pelvic Care would benefit any woman seeking a deeper connection to her core vitality. By accessing her wild feminine wisdom, a woman is free to explore her creative essence. Symptoms of physical or energetic imbalances that block or limit a woman’s pelvic energy may include:
fertility issues
fibroids, cysts
recovery from miscarriage
postpartum pain/postpartum depression
painful intercourse
menopause symptoms
pelvic pain or muscle weakness
uterine or bladder prolapse/incontinence
feelings of disconnect from self and core essence
HPC it’s a must for postpartum care or cesarean recovery.